CENTAURUS is an independent hotel group in France which ambition is to become a leader in Europe and around the world. After growing exponentially PARIS INN GROUP for more than 15 years, Jean-Bernard Falco, Céline Falco and Grégory Pourrin, created CENTAURUS in 2020 to continue and sustain the group's development.
Centaurus is one of the largest constellations in the southern hemisphere, containing countless thousands of stars, some of which are so bright that they can be seen from Earth. It owes its name to the Centaurus, a half-man/half-like creature from Greek mythology. The most famous centaur is Chiron, immortal and in charge of training young heroes with his extensive knowledge. It is based on these ambitious foundations that CENTAURUS was created as the mother brand of a growing group.
Centaurus, origin of a shiny constellation
Centaurus, an ever-changing odyssey
Already present in France (Paris and its surroundings, Nîmes, Perpignan) and in Europe (Porto, Braga, Rome) thanks to its 33 hotels, 13 spas, as well as its 29 bars and restaurants, CENTAURUS is growing destination after destination to offer its guests an odyssey of new experiences, all unique but with the same family spirit that is inherent to the group.
The CENTAURUS group, independent and family-owned, develops a real Family Spirit with its employees, partners, suppliers and customers, based on its 5 STARR values: Solidarity, Transmission, Authenticity, Respect and Responsibility.
The CENTAURUS group, independent and family-owned, develops a real Family Spirit with its employees, partners, suppliers and customers, based on its 5 STARR values: Solidarity, Transmission, Authenticity, Respect and Responsibility.
A 4-branches constellation
Centaurus Hospitality Management
the hotel management service, which supports all the group's properties.
Maison Albar Hotels
the ownership and operation of the 5* Maison Albar Hotels brand throughout the world.
- With Centaurus, our group's ambition becomes reality. We invite you to join us in this Odyssey, to go ever further for the benefit of our guests from all over the world.
- Jean-Bernard Falco, Chairman and Founder.
The constellation's key figures
Centaurus - Hospitality Odyssey What will be your next destination ?
The management team
Jean-Bernard Falco
Céline Falco
CEO - Founder & Associate
Grégory Pourrin est diplômé de l’Ecole Hôtelière Internationale Savoie-Leman. Il occupe ensuite différentes fonctions qui lui permettent de se forger une expertise complète et multi-métiers du secteur de l’hôtellerie. En 2000, il débute ainsi sa carrière en tant que Responsable Commercial au sein de la Compagnie Hôtelière des Alpes, avant de créer, en 2005, sa société de prestations de services et de commercialisation à destination d’hôtels et de résidences de tourisme. En 2008, il rejoint la Compagnie d’Hôtels Holding en qualité de Directeur Général Délégué. Grégory Pourrin rejoint Jean-Bernard Falco et Céline Falco en 2011 en tant que Directeur Général de la société de gestion hôtelière Centaurus Hospitality Management (anciennement Paris Inn Group) et s’associe à la création du groupe Centaurus. Il bâti une organisation innovante et une stratégie de croissance permettant au groupe de prendre avec succès le virage de la montée en gamme et de l’ouverture à l’international.